Emailed Newsletter - October 20, 2023.

October 20, 2023

Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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High Road Taproom Celebrates Grand Opening in Silver Spring Township

It's always great to welcome new businesses to the 87th District! This week, we cut the ribbon at High Road Taproom in Silver Spring Township. The brewery boasts unique beers, seasonal beverages and locally sourced food which is available to order from neighboring restaurants. Stop by and show your support by shopping and dining locally!

Out and About in the 87th District

This week, I had the opportunity to tour several local farms and businesses in the 87th District. We visited Stamy Farms, JNS Dairy, Paulus Farm Market, Oak Grove Farms, Thea, Water Colours Interior Design and Amore Pizza Arcona.

I had a great time connecting with the owners of these businesses and their staff to learn more about their livelihoods. Stay tuned for some video footage from this day of tours where we’ll further highlight the businesses and people who call our slice of Cumberland County home!

Talking Career and Tech Ed on Good Day PA

I recently joined Dr. Michael Verber from Verber Dental Group on Good Day PA to discuss opportunities in the dental industry and the career and technical education pipeline.

I believe we need to do more to raise student awareness of the steps they can take now to pursue a family-sustaining career that does not require a traditional four-year degree. These career paths can reduce or eliminate the amount of student debt a person accumulates and will eventually help address critical shortages in our workforce.

To watch the segment, please click here.
You’re Invited to My Upcoming Events

Town Hall Meeting

Veterans Breakfast

We Stand with Israel

The state House unanimously approved a resolution this week stating unequivocal support for the state of Israel in the face of recent terrorist attacks by Hamas. Thousands of innocent civilians have lost their lives in the conflict, while thousands more have been injured and an estimated 150 people, including American citizens, have been taken hostage.

The resolution calls for justice and safety for both the Israeli and Palestinian people and condemns the violent actions of Hamas. Finally, we call on Congress to provide the state of Israel with the support it needs to ensure the safety and security of its people.

To read the full resolution, click here.
House Advances Consumer Protections for Concertgoers

Working to protect consumers looking to purchase tickets for concerts and other events, the state House adopted two bills aimed at stopping speculative ticketing and combating bots that create an artificial scarcity of tickets, driving up prices for consumers.  

House Bill 1658 would essentially prohibit ticket resellers from advertising or offering tickets they don’t have. It also would prohibit a secondary ticket platform from using a domain or subdomain name of the specific rights holder, venue, performer, group or team unless authorized by that entity.

House Bill 1378 would prevent scalpers from using software to purchase items over the internet in bulk for the purpose of resale and not personal use. This legislation would make it unlawful to circumvent a security measure, access control system, or other technological control that enforces posted purchasing limits online.

The bills were inspired in part by last year’s pre-sale for the Taylor Swift Eras Tour that resulted in thousands of consumers filing complaints with the state attorney general’s office. Both measures go to the Senate for consideration.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men. An estimated one in four women and one in nine men will be subjected to abuse by an intimate partner.

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior used to establish power and control over an intimate partner, causing both physical and emotional harm. Victims may be subjected to abuse, harassment, threats, vandalism, trespassing, burglary, theft and stalking.

As one of the most chronically underreported crimes, domestic violence affects men and women in all racial, ethnic, religious, educational, social and economic backgrounds.  

More information about domestic violence and services available to help victims is available here.
Grants, Assistance Available to Senior Community Centers

The Pennsylvania Department of Aging is inviting qualified senior centers to apply for competitive grants starting Wednesday, Nov. 1.

A total of $2 million is available for projects aimed at boosting participation and programming at senior centers and enabling the centers to provide a safe and healthy environment for participants. An additional $1 million is available for noncompetitive grants.

The department is hosting an informational webinar outlining applicant and project eligibility and explaining in detail all grant-related requirements and expectations on Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 10 a.m. This webinar will contain information for both the competitive application and the non-competitive award. Officials with Area Agencies on Aging and senior community centers are encouraged to participate.  

The webinar will be available here. The meeting number is 2535 629 1783, and the meeting password is “grant” (or 47268 from phones and video systems). To join by phone only, call 1-844-621-3956 and use the access code 2535 629 1783.

Organizations that intend to submit a competitive grant application this year should be sure to register their organization in the Electronic Single Application system in preparation to apply. Click here to register.
Museums, County Historical Societies Encouraged to Apply for Grants

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) is now accepting applications from qualified museums and official county historical societies for nearly $2 million in Cultural and Historical Support Grants.

The grants are available to eligible museums located in Pennsylvania with annual operating budgets exceeding $100,000 and at least one full-time professional staff person (some museums are not eligible if they are eligible for grant support from other state agencies). The maximum award for museums is $65,000. Grants awards of $2,500 to $4,000 are available to official county historical societies.

Applications are due by Monday, Nov. 6. For details, click here.

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