Emailed Newsletter - November 3, 2023.

November 3, 2023

Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Legislation to Honor Fallen Hero Jerome Guise Signed into Law

The House recently approved legislation I introduced that would designate the bridge carrying PA Route 34 over Mountain Creek in Mount Holly Springs Borough in memory of fallen firefighter and community servant, Jerome Guise.

Guise was a 17-year firefighter serving with Citizen’s Fire Co. No.1 in Mount Holly Springs. He died tragically in the line of duty when a house collapsed during a two-alarm fire on March 9, 2020.

Jerome gave his life in service to our community, and he is missed throughout it today. It is an honor to have worked to preserve his memory and I look forward to the formal dedication of the Firefighter Jerome Guise Memorial Bridge. The bridge will serve as a reminder to honor Jerome’s bravery and sacrifice and inspire gratitude for the many dedicated first responders in our community. Details about a formal bridge dedication ceremony will be forthcoming.

 Photo Credit: Citizens Fire Company No. 1
Joining the Harrisburg Chamber to Discuss Bipartisan Future Caucus

This week, I joined the Harrisburg Regional Chamber to discuss the Bipartisan Future Caucus, which I chair alongside my colleague Rep. Justin Fleming (D-105). We had a robust discussion about bipartisan legislation that we are working on in Harrisburg affecting local businesses, housing affordability, workforce development, childcare costs, inflationary pressures and higher education reform. I’m pleased that we are making progress on a number of these important issues, and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to speak with business and community leaders about these topics.

Touring Kiddie Academy

This morning, I toured Kiddie Academy in Silver Spring Township! It’s always great to spend time in a classroom with future generations of leaders. I greatly appreciated the opportunity to talk to teachers at the academy and enjoyed reading one of my favorite children’s stories to the class.

Hosting a Guest Page in Harrisburg

On Tuesday, Rep. Sheryl Delozier (R-88) and I welcomed Hannah Reed, a student at Mechanicsburg Area Senior High School, to the Capitol to serve as a guest page. I hope Hannah enjoyed her experience in the House chamber and learned a lot about the legislative process!

You’re Invited to My Veterans Breakfast

Veterans, active-duty military personnel and their families who live in the 87th District should please RSVP to my office at 717-975-2235 or click here.

Court Decision Voids Unlawful Energy Tax

On Wednesday, the Commonwealth Court voided Pennsylvania’s entrance into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a multi-state energy tax program that would have increased the costs for Pennsylvanians to light and heat their homes.

The decision to enter Pennsylvania into RGGI was made by former Gov. Tom Wolf and his administration and was carried on by the administration of Gov. Josh Shapiro. The Pennsylvania Legislature, those who represent the taxpayers of Pennsylvania, were never involved in the decision that would greatly impact family energy bills and employment opportunities in the Commonwealth.

The decision by the Commonwealth Court is a positive step forward in ensuring RGGI will not add to increasing energy costs on Pennsylvania families.

We remain ready, willing and able to find a sound path forward for Pennsylvania’s energy development in a way that respects Pennsylvania families, as well as the overall economic health of our Commonwealth.
Election Day This Tuesday

This Tuesday, Nov. 7, is Election Day! Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Click here to verify your polling place for in-person voting.

Voters who have chosen to vote by mail-in or civilian absentee ballot must have those ballots back to their county Board of Elections no later than 8 p.m. on election day.

More information about voting is available at
Don’t Forget to ‘Fall Back’ Saturday Night

Daylight saving time will end at 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 5. Be sure to turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday night.

It’s also a good time to check or change the batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms in your home. In addition to regular battery changes, experts say the alarm devices should be replaced every 10 years to better ensure your safety.

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