Grants for School Safety, Mental Health Awarded to 87th District Schools, Says Kutz
April 29, 2024
HARRISBURG –Multiple school districts across the 87th District received grants from the School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) to improve safety, security and mental health support, according to Rep. Thomas Kutz (R-Cumberland).
“Updating facilities to ensure students, teachers, administrators and school employees are safe in their classrooms is critical,” said Kutz. “These awards will not only be used to accomplish that goal, but they will also support the mental health of our local students. This funding will make a difference in our schools, and I am glad to see these state dollars invested in the local community.”
The SSSC collectively approved $155 million in federal and state school safety funding, appropriated in the FY 2023-24 budget, under the Noncompetitive School Mental Health Grants program, the Formula-Based School Safety and Security Meritorious Grants program, Competitive School Safety and Security Grants program, and Targeted School Safety Grants for Nonpublic Schools funding program.
The following school districts that serve students in Kutz’s district received awards:
• Carlisle Area School District, $208,933.
• Cumberland Perry Area Career and Technical School, $461,573.
• Cumberland Valley School District, $265,768.
• Mechanicsburg Area School District, $200,615.
• South Middleton School District, $166,868.
Questions about these grants can be directed to Kutz’s office at 717-975-2235.
Representative Thomas Kutz
87th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Katelin Morrison
717.260.6502 /
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