Kutz Announces “There Ought to Be a Law” Contest Winners

May 22, 2024

HARRISBURG- To encourage civic engagement among students in the 87th District, Rep. Thomas Kutz (R-Cumberland) hosted a “There Ought to Be a Law” contest for fifth-grade and high school students. Participants submitted individual proposals for laws to address various issues people face across the Commonwealth.

After careful review of many proposals, the following students have been chosen as winners.

• Sudhindra Krishna Nandagiri, Silver Spring Elementary School, fifth grade.
• Zoie Morrow, Green Ridge Elementary School, fifth grade.
• Elias Freeland, Rossmoyne Elementary School, fifth grade.
• Gavin Hollick, Elmwood Academy, fifth grade.
• Summer Deitch, Iron Forge Elementary School, fifth grade.
• Krishang Upadhyay, Winding Creek Elementary School, fifth grade.
• Simran Sahi, Winding Creek Elementary School, fifth grade.
• Sarah Grayce Derr, Winding Creek Elementary School, fifth grade.
• Tristan Seiber, Boiling Springs High School, 11th grade.
• Benjamin Snyder, Boiling Springs High School, 12th grade.
• Joey George, Boiling Springs High Schools, 12th grade.

“Encouraging civic engagement and participation among future leaders is very important,” said Kutz. “I was glad to offer an opportunity for local students to think critically about solutions to the problems they perceive while learning more about government and the legislative process.

“Congratulations to all the winners! There were many submissions to choose from; selecting these 11 students was no easy task. Thank you to our independent judges from every corner of the 87th district who selected the winners,” concluded Kutz.

The students’ proposals covered topics ranging from requiring daily physical education classes to streamlining fishing licenses in Pennsylvania. Contest winners were recognized at the Capitol in Harrisburg.

Representative Thomas Kutz
87th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Katelin Morrison
RepKutz.com / Facebook.com/RepKutz

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