Emailed Newsletter - June 7, 2024

June 7, 2024

Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Local First Responder Earns ‘Dispatcher of the Year’ Award

It was a pleasure to present Kristopher Kaminski with a citation for winning an award for VFW Dispatcher of the Year for Pennsylvania! Kris is the assistant fire chief at Upper Allen Fire Company as well as a 911 dispatcher for Cumberland County. I appreciated the opportunity to honor Kris and thank him for his dedicated service to the community.

Bikers Gather in Harrisburg for a Cause

On Monday, I joined the Mason-Dixon chapter of the Alliance of Bikers Aimed Toward Education (ABATE) for its Rights Rally in Harrisburg. ABATE does a lot of advocacy work for biker safety and road awareness. It was great to say a few words about the organization's impact in Pennsylvania.

Kutz Appointed to Serve on Finance Committee

I am honored to have been recently appointed to serve on the House Finance Committee, which considers important tax reform legislation for the Commonwealth.

I previously worked on tax policy in Congress for the House Committee on Ways and Means and am excited to bring that experience to the state House. I have also sponsored many pieces of tax reform legislation this term.

I’m grateful for this appointment at such a pivotal time for Pennsylvania. I look forward to working with my fellow legislators to advocate for thoughtful and responsible tax policy updates that address major issues impacting our Commonwealth.

Now is the time to make changes to our tax code that encourage families and businesses to plant roots in Pennsylvania. Through impactful reform, we can also attract entrepreneurs and industry that capitalizes on our potential to be an economic powerhouse.

Application Deadline Extended for 2023 Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program

The deadline for senior citizens and Pennsylvanians with disabilities to apply for rebates on rent and property taxes paid in 2023 has been extended to Dec. 31.

Income limits for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program increased this year to $45,000 for both homeowners and renters. If you were earning too much to qualify before, you may be eligible now. Remember to exclude 50% of Social Security when determining your income. The law I supported to expand the program also increased the maximum rebate to $1,000.

The program is open to residents age 65 years and older; widows and widowers 50 years and older; and people with disabilities 18 years and older.

Remember – you do not need to pay anyone for assistance to apply for the rebates. Apply online at, or contact my office for help. Additional information about the program is available here.

Rebates will be distributed beginning July 1, as required by law.
Check Out the Revamped 511PA

The Commonwealth’s free, statewide travel information service – 511PA – has been upgraded with a new website, mobile app and phone system to make it more user friendly.

Operated by PennDOT and the PA Turnpike, 511PA provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to more than 1,000 traffic cameras. It is available online via its website,; through smartphone apps; by dialing 5-1-1; or following regional X alerts.

Users can sign up for personalized travel alerts on the website. Current 511PA personal-alert subscribers need to create a new account in the updated system and set up their preferences to continue receiving alerts. A transformed 511PA app is part of the new system, so users will need to update their Apple or Android app to access the latest version.

Read more about the upgrades to 511PA here.
PFBC Seeks Applications for Boating Infrastructure Grant Program

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is requesting proposals for its Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) program.

The grants are economic engines for local communities that benefit traveling boaters by offering safe overnight docking opportunities and easy access to towns and waterfronts. Grants may be made to public and private operators of open-to-the-public boating facilities, including municipal agencies (cities, townships, counties, etc.), state agencies and other government entities.

Eligible activities include the construction, renovation and maintenance of transient tie-up facilities. Boating infrastructure refers to features that provide stopover places for transient non-trailerable recreational vessels to tie up. These features include transient slips, day docks, floating docks and fixed piers, navigational aids, and dockside utilities, including electric, water and pumpout stations.

For additional information, click here. The deadline for submitting proposals is
July 31.

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