Emailed Newsletter - June 14, 2024

June 14, 2024

Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Monroe Community Day This Saturday!

Looking for something to do with the family this weekend? Come out, Saturday, June 15, at 4 p.m., for Monroe Community Day. In addition to local musicians, food vendors, games, fireworks and hayrides, my office will be in attendance with state-related information and resources. Come say “hi!”

More information about Monroe Community Day can be found in the flyer below.

Mechanicsburg Superintendent Celebrates Retirement

On Tuesday, I had the honor of presenting a House citation to Dr. Mark Leidy of Mechanicsburg School District to commemorate his years of service as superintendent. Dr. Leidy always served with the interest of his students and families at the forefront, and I am grateful for his warm welcome this term so I could tour and learn about all our great Mechanicsburg schools. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to congratulate him and extend my best wishes for a happy retirement.

Touring 3M in Mechanicsburg

This week, I had the opportunity to tour the facilities at 3M in Mechanicsburg. This site is a distribution hub for 3M products throughout the Northeast and parts of the Southeast. The plant works closely with Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn (DHL) to ship across the seaboard. It was great to meet Joe Gushi, supply chain supervisor at 3M, and learn more about the large volume of products which move through the facility.

District Office Intern Visits the Capitol

It was great to host Rohan Jawale at the Capitol on Wednesday. Rohan will start his junior year at Cumberland Valley High School in the fall, but until then he is serving as a legislative intern in my district office. We're glad to have his help this summer!

Joining the Second Annual Cumberland Valley Children’s Business Fair

Students in our community each brought their own entrepreneurial spirit and business creations to the Second Annual Cumberland Valley Children’s Business Fair on Thursday evening. I enjoyed meeting so many promising students and serving as a guest judge for the fair. Entrepreneurs of all ages and grades brought homemade products for sale. Most impressively, some businesses had their own branding, online payment systems, and special deals for their products. Our community’s future is bright with so many students using their time and talents to learn about business and personal finances.

Celebrate Flag Day

Friday, June 14, commemorates the adoption of the United States flag. Since a 1916 proclamation by President Woodrow Wilson, this date has been marked as “Flag Day.” Congressional legislation designating that date as national Flag Day was signed into law by President Harry Truman in 1949.

From 13 stars to 50, the American flag has been a symbol of freedom and liberty throughout the world. To learn more about the history of the American flag, click here.  

To learn more about how to treat the flag and how to display it, read the United States Flag Code here.
Juneteenth National Freedom Day

This Wednesday, June 19, is Juneteenth National Freedom Day. Considered the longest-running African American holiday, Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when union soldiers reached Galveston, Texas – the furthest point in the south – with news of the end of the Civil War, which had occurred two months earlier with the surrender of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in Virginia.

The troops’ arrival also came two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing all slaves and ending slavery in the United States. Learn more about the history of Juneteenth here.
Driver License Centers Closed for Juneteenth

All PennDOT driver license and photo centers, including the Riverfront Office Center in Harrisburg, will be closed Wednesday, June 19, in observance of Juneteenth National Freedom Day.

Customers may still obtain a variety of driver and vehicle products and services, including all forms, publications and driver training manuals, online through PennDOT's Driver and Vehicle Services website,
Don’t Let Ticks Ruin Your Summer!

School is out, and the summer season officially kicks off June 20. As you head outside to enjoy all the activities Pennsylvania has to offer, be sure to take extra steps to protect yourself and your loved ones against ticks and associated illnesses such as Lyme Disease. Here are a few tips to keep in mind


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