Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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2024-25 Budget Update
The House has been in session each day this week working on a budget for the people of Pennsylvania.
As negotiations continue over the weekend, we will return to session Monday, July 1, to continue working toward a final budget product. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I will continue to be closely engaged in the budget process. Stay tuned to my Facebook page, Instagram and email updates for any news about where we are in the budget process.
Advocating for First-Time Homebuyers
The cost of owning a home has more than doubled in the last four years, and it is impacting growing areas of our Commonwealth the most. As we continue to attract new residents to Pennsylvania and encourage people to stay and plant roots in Pennsylvania, it is important to support legislation that encourages economic growth and empowerment.
House Bill 126, which I am proud to cosponsor, would establish a first-time homebuyer savings account program to help young Pennsylvanians overcome financial obstacles to homeownership. This legislation received overwhelming bipartisan support in the House today, and I am hopeful it will continue advancing swiftly through the legislative process.
Homeownership strengthens communities and provides stability for families. I'm proud to reach across the aisle and continue fiercely advocating for the first-time homebuyers in rapidly growing Cumberland County, and across the Commonwealth.
To listen to my remarks on House Bill 126, please click here.
Time to Advance Holocaust Education Bill
In the face of growing antisemitism across communities and college campuses, a group of lawmakers launched a discharge petition this week to force action on legislation that would require curriculum transparency for Holocaust education in Pennsylvania’s public schools.
A 2023 study by The Economist shows one in five young Americans believe the Holocaust is a myth. It’s more important than ever to educate our children about this dark time in world history. House Bill 1986 aims to address the problem by requiring schools that offer Holocaust education make the curriculum available on their websites. Unfortunately, this bill has not yet been called up for a vote.
Under the rules of the House, discharge petitions require the signatures of at least 25 Democrats and 25 Republicans to be successful. I was proud to sign the petition and am hopeful we will have the opportunity to advance this important effort to combat antisemitism.
Happy Independence Day!!
Many of us enjoy celebrating our nation’s independence by watching public displays of fireworks, or by setting off our own.
If you choose to set off your own fireworks, be smart, be careful and be considerate of your neighbors. The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission offers the following safety tips for using fireworks.
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Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire or other mishap. |
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Never allow children to play with or ignite fireworks, even sparklers. |
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Light fireworks one at a time, then move back quickly. |
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Never point or throw fireworks at another person. |
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Never pick up or try to relight fireworks that have not fully ignited. |
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Never use fireworks after consuming alcohol or other substances that impair judgement or the ability to act quickly. |
For details about the state’s fireworks laws, click here.
If you are traveling, check out www.511pa.com. Free and available 24 hours a day, the site provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to more than 1,000 traffic cameras. 511PA is also available through a smartphone application for iPhone and Android devices, by calling 5-1-1, or by following regional twitter alerts accessible on the 511PA website.
PennDOT will close its driver license service centers on Thursday, July 4. Customers may still obtain a variety of driver and vehicle products and services, including all forms, publications and driver training manuals, online through PennDOT’s Driver and Vehicle Services website, www.dmv.pa.gov.
Have a safe and happy July Fourth!
Upper Allen Reading Day This Saturday
Looking for something to do with the kids this weekend? Saturday, June 29, is Reading Day at the Joseph T. Simpson Public Library in Upper Allen Township. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will feature local children's authors, games, crafts, a children's musician and food trucks. I’m happy to have partnered with the library on this event for children and families.
For more information, click here.
Upgraded PA ABLE Website Highlights Program for Pennsylvanians with Disabilities
The Pennsylvania Treasury recently launched its redesigned PA ABLE Savings Program website, paable.gov.
PA ABLE gives individuals with qualifying disabilities a tax-free way to save and invest without impacting important benefits. All federal benefits are protected, including Medical Assistance (Medicaid) and, with some limitations, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, as are many Pennsylvania state benefits.
The new website makes it easier for individuals to learn about the many benefits of PA ABLE, open a new account and access their existing PA ABLE account. It streamlines navigation and content, integrates frequently asked questions within relevant pages, and includes changes that make it easier and more convenient for account owners and prospective account owners to find the information they need about PA ABLE.
More than 9,000 PA ABLE accounts are currently open with over $120 million in assets.
To learn more, visit paable.gov or call 855-529-2253.
Fish for Free on Independence Day!
On Thursday, July 4, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) will host a Fish for Free day to allow anyone (resident or non-resident) to legally fish on all Pennsylvania waterways. No license is required, but all other fishing regulations still apply. This is a great way to expose the next generation of anglers to the outdoors! More information about fishing in Pennsylvania is available here.