Emailed Newsletter - July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024

Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Silver Spring Breaks Ground for Paul Walters Memorial Park

On Wednesday, Silver Spring Township held a groundbreaking ceremony for the expansion of Paul Walters Memorial Park. Once construction is completed, the park will feature several new amenities like walking trails, tennis courts, pickleball courts, basketball courts, new restrooms, pavilions, benches and additional parking.

I was thrilled to join Sen. Greg Rothman (R-34) in advocating for and ultimately securing a $1 million grant to help bring this exciting expansion to fruition! The enhancements to the park will be an asset to the community for years to come.

Come See Us at National Night Out

Attention Veterans: DMVA Helps Locate Lost Military Documents

The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) is reminding veterans it can help locate their lost DD Form 214 (DD-214) and other military documents so they can get credit for time served and receive important benefits they have earned.

The DD-214 contains information needed to verify military service for benefits, retirement, employment and membership in veterans’ organizations. Without this key document, there could be significant delays when a veteran seeks benefits earned through their service to our nation. The DMVA can also assist with locating the DD-215, which is used to correct errors or make additions to a DD-214, helping to assure that veterans have accurate discharge documentation.

Anyone needing assistance from the DMVA to locate their DD-214/215, or other military documentation, can call toll-free 1-800-547-2838 or e-mail More information about locating military documents can be found through the Records Request Program.

Another way to stay in touch is for veterans, family members and people who work with veterans to sign up for the DMVA’s Veterans Registry by visiting
PA Turnpike Warns of Smishing Scam Back on the Rise

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) is advising a smishing scam is again being sent to random individuals, aiming to deceive them to share their personal financial information to settle outstanding toll amounts.

The texts purport to be from “Pennsylvania Turnpike Toll Services” and center on urgent requests with the account that would result in additional charges if the overdue balance does not get settled. Similar scams have been reported by toll agencies across the country over the past several days.

People who receive an unsolicited text, email, or similar message suggesting it is from the PA Turnpike or another toll agency should not click on the link. E-ZPass account holders and Toll by Plate customers can use approved safe methods to check their accounts such as the official PA Turnpike E-ZPass website or the PA Toll Pay app available from the Apple App Store, or Google Play store.

Those who receive a fraudulent text can file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center at That is a site dedicated to sharing information on Internet crimes across law enforcement agencies.
PGC Expands Mentored Hunting Program

Continuing its efforts to get more people involved in hunting in the Commonwealth, the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners recently approved a plan to allow mentors hunting with a mentored youth to accompany up to two additional hunters, be they mentored youth, junior hunters or mentored adults.

Previously, no additional junior or mentored hunters could accompany a mentor hunting with a mentored youth. There was a required one-to-one mentor/mentee ratio. That limit has now changed to three.

The requirement that limits mentors and mentored youth to possessing only one sporting arm between them remains. The mentor must carry the sporting arm at all times while moving. Junior hunters and mentored adults may possess their own sporting arms while accompanied by a common mentor.

This change will be in place in time for the fall hunting seasons.

Learn more about mentored hunting at 

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