Kutz Bill to Extend Vehicle Inspection Grace Period Advances

October 11, 2024

HARRISBURG- On Monday, the House Transportation Committee unanimously approved House Bill 1436, authored by Rep. Thomas Kutz (R-Cumberland). Kutz’s legislation would extend the non-commercial vehicle repair grace period to 15 days, which is the time allotted for commercial vehicles and buses.

“Workforce shortages and lingering supply chain issues make it difficult for vehicle owners to complete inspections and current law only provides five days when inspections can take up to two weeks to schedule,” said Kutz. “After five days, it is unlawful for the vehicle to be operated on any state road without submitting proof of inspection to police or the Commonwealth. My bill will increase the grace period to 15 days, giving Pennsylvanians the same amount of time as commercial vehicles to complete inspection.

“I appreciate the bipartisan support of the committee and am looking forward to consideration by the full House, so we can make this simple, but important, update for Pennsylvania drivers,” Kutz concluded.

Questions about this legislation or any other state-related issue can be directed to Kutz’s office at 717-975-2235.

Representative Thomas Kutz
87th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Katelin Morrison
RepKutz.com / Facebook.com/RepKutz

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