Emailed Newsletter - October 18, 2024

October 18, 2024

Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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In the Classroom at Boiling Springs High School

Talking to future leaders who are interested in government and public service is one of my favorite parts of being your state representative! This week, I spent time in the honors government classroom at Boiling Springs High School doing exactly that. I appreciated the opportunity to talk with students about the role of the legislative branch, give an update on state government issues and more. Thank you for welcoming me back, Bubblers!

Monday is Voter Registration Deadline

If you plan to vote in the upcoming November election and are not yet registered to do so, this Monday, Oct. 21, is the deadline. You can register in person at your county elections office, by mail or by visiting the state’s online voter registration website.

Not sure if you’re registered? You can check your status online here.

Recently moved? Changed your name? Want to change your party affiliation? You can update your voter registration online here.

On Tuesday, Nov. 5 (or sooner if you choose to vote by mail), voters across the Commonwealth will have the opportunity to elect the next president and vice president; members of the U.S. House and Senate; members of the state House and state Senate (in odd-numbered senatorial districts); and state row offices, including attorney general, auditor general and treasurer.

For more information about voting in the Commonwealth, visit
Voter Registration Information for College Students

According to the Pennsylvania Department of State, college students should register to vote where their home is. That could be either:

  1.   Where they live while attending college in Pennsylvania (regardless of whether they live on or off campus) OR
  2.   Their prior home address in Pennsylvania, if their family or guardian still resides there.

Keep in mind: Students must meet the general eligibility requirements to register and vote in that district: be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age, and have lived in the district for at least 30 days. The deadline to register to vote in the 2024 election is Monday, Oct. 21. Freshmen or transfer students just moving to a new district for school can register at their college address while attending college as long as they moved there by Oct. 6, 2024.

More voting information for college students can be found here.
Connecting Seniors to State Resources

It was a pleasure to connect with Cumberland County seniors this week at the 50 Plus Expo in Carlisle. I shared a legislative table with Sen. Greg Rothman (R-34) and Rep. Sheryl Delozier (R-88) and together we helped get state-related resources and information to our constituents. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to see us at the expo!
Touring UCP of Central PA

On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to tour United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Central Pennsylvania. I spoke with Marci Walborn, director of childhood and ancillary services about the array of community services UCP offers. The organization does great work to support people with complex needs, including their physical, developmental, emotional and behavioral well-being.

Understanding Human Trafficking Seminar

For questions, please call my office at 717-975-2235.
Policy Committee Concludes Hearings on Inflation Impacts

The House Republican Policy Committee recently completed a series of hearings titled “Relief is Possible: Combatting the Crisis of Cost” to discuss the widespread impact of inflation on local communities, small businesses and households across the Commonwealth.

As revealed by the testifiers, every segment of Pennsylvania’s population is stressed because of inflation. Small businesses face skyrocketing prices, labor shortages and supply chain disruptions, while many households struggle to afford housing prices, energy, child care and groceries. Pennsylvanians need relief.

According to Pennsylvania’s Joint Economic Committee (JEC) State Inflation Tracker, in 2024, “the average household in Pennsylvania is paying $984 more per month to purchase the same basket of goods and services as in January 2021.” Also, compared to January 2021, the average household in Pennsylvania is currently spending $140 more on food per month.

To watch the hearings, which were held in Allegheny, Erie and Dauphin counties, visit
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

With cybersecurity threats on the rise, Treasurer Stacy Garrity and the Pennsylvania Bankers Association have teamed up to highlight steps consumers can take to help keep their personal information safe. They are as follows:

  •   Check your account at least once a day so you notice suspicious activity faster. Report any suspicious purchases as soon as possible.
  •   Change your online banking password regularly; use passwords that combine letters, numbers and symbols; and never share your username and password.
  •   Avoid doing online banking or shopping over public wi-fi.
  •   When shopping online, use reputable merchants and make sure the webpage payment screen begins with “https” and has the tiny padlock symbol at the bottom of the page.
  •   Don’t open emails that appear suspicious, especially if the message contains links to websites.
  •   Always log out of your online banking website when you’re done.
  •   Lock your computer or your smartphone when you’re not using it.

Read more here.
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, which is a time to celebrate our friends with Down syndrome and make others aware of their many abilities and accomplishments.

Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal condition, which is associated with delays in physical growth, characteristic facial features and intellectual disability. Approximately 5,700 babies are born with Down syndrome in the United States each year. However, due to improved research and medical treatments, children born with Down syndrome can live happy, long, productive lives.
Nominate Your Favorite Trail

If you have a favorite trail that provides unique opportunities, encourages and celebrates diverse user groups, or enhances your community, please nominate it for Pennsylvania’s 2025 Trail of the Year.

Each year, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and its Pennsylvania Trails Advisory Committee (PTAC) designates a Trail of the Year to help build enthusiasm and support for trails and raise public awareness about the value of Pennsylvania’s Trail network. The winning trail will be recognized through a commemorative poster for statewide distribution, a trailhead marker along the trail, and a grant for educational programs to promote safety and environmental protection on the trail.

To nominate your favorite trail, click here. The deadline for nomination is Friday, Nov. 1.

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