Kutz: $250,000 Grant Awarded for Grantham Park Rehabilitation
November 14, 2024
HARRISBURG – Rep. Thomas Kutz (R-Cumberland) announced $250,000 has been awarded to a Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) project in Upper Allen Township through the Community Conservation Partnership Program (C2P2).
Under the terms of the grant, the award will be used to rehabilitate and further develop Grantham Park in Upper Allen Township. The improvements include the construction of a fishing pier, gazebo, trail development, and expanded parking for outdoorsmen and nature enthusiast to enjoy.
“Grantham Park serves as a key green space for area residents,” said Kutz. “I am glad to see dollars from the C2P2 grant program invested in this local park, so current and future residents, as well as visitors can enjoy time spent in nature. We are blessed to live in a beautiful part of the Commonwealth where parks and recreational opportunities are abundant and well-used.”
The C2P2 is funded with a variety of state and federal funding sources, including the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund (Key 93), which includes Key-Community and Key-Land Trust; the Environmental Stewardship Fund (ESF); the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF); Pennsylvania Trails Fund (PRT – federal source); Pennsylvania Heritage Area Program (HA); and the ATV Restricted Management Account Fund (ATV).
For questions about this event, please call Kutz’s office at 717-975-2235.
Representative Thomas Kutz
87th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Katelin Morrison
RepKutz.com / Facebook.com/RepKutz
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