Emailed Newsletter - November 27, 2024

November 27, 2024

Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Happy Thanksgiving!

For centuries, Americans have come together in the spirit of thanksgiving. From the earliest traditions that began in Plymouth, Mass., in 1621 to the first official national observance in 1863, families have gathered in November to celebrate bountiful harvests and all that has been given to them.

In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, state offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 28, and Friday, Nov. 29, including my offices. PennDOT Driver License Centers will be closed on those dates as well, though many services are available online at

If you are traveling, be sure to check for the latest traffic and weather information.

From my family to yours, may you all have a safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving. To watch my Thanksgiving message, please click on the video below.

Click here to view video.
Grants Awarded for School Safety, Mental Health

I am pleased to announce six schools across the 87th District received grants from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency’s School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC). The grants will bolster school safety and mental health support, building upon the high-quality education Cumberland County students receive.

Ensuring the safety and well-being of students, administrators, faculty and staff at our local schools is absolutely critical. These awards will help update facilities meet those goals. I’m happy to see these grant dollars, which will have a direct benefit to our students, be awarded in the community.

The following school districts that serve students in the district received awards:
• Carlisle Area School District, $195,904.
• Cumberland Perry Area Career and Technical School, $70,000.
• Cumberland Valley School District, $295,395.
• Mechanicsburg Area School District, $185,568.
• South Middleton School District, $141,384.
• West Shore School District, $240,257.

Supporting Small Businesses

Consider showing some love to the small businesses in our community throughout the holiday season but especially on Small Business Saturday, which is coming up on Saturday, Nov. 30.

Since 2010, this day is celebrated each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving to encourage people to support the small businesses that help drive the economies of our communities.

To celebrate some of our local small businesses, I did a video series last year showcasing 87th District entrepreneurs, restauranteurs and farmers. To watch my 87th District Spotlight series, visit my website.  

Learn more about Small Business Saturday here.
Safety Tips for this Hunting Season

Firearms deer season opens Saturday, Nov. 30. As you prepare to head out to our fields and forests, be sure to keep safety in mind. The Pennsylvania Game Commission offers these important tips:

Basic Safety
• Positively identify the target. Be sure you are shooting at legal game. Never shoot at sounds or movement.
• Stay in the zone! Hunters should be spaced 25 to 40 yards apart, and always in sight of one another. Each hunter’s zone of fire spans about 45 degrees directly in front of the hunter. Never shoot at game moving between you and someone else.
• Plan your hunt! Let someone know where you're hunting and when you'll return.
• Buckle up! If you hunt from an elevated stand, always wear a full-body, fall-restraint device as soon as your feet leave the ground and until they return.
• Keep fit! Hunting is hard work. Don't become a statistic. Keep physically fit. Start with a check-up and follow your doctor's advice.
• Stay found! Become familiar with your hunting area. Learn how to use a map and compass or GPS unit. Be prepared for emergencies. Carry a basic survival kit and know how to use it.
• Be seen! Wear or display the required amount of fluorescent orange clothing.

SMART Firearms Safety
When using a firearm, follow these five primary safety rules:
• Safe Direction: Keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times.
• Make sure: Positively identify your target.
• Always check: Know what's beyond your target before shooting.
• Respect firearms: Treat all firearms as if they are loaded.
• Trigger caution: Don't touch the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

For more information, visit the Pennsylvania Game Commission website at
Hunters Can Share Their Harvest

The state Department of Agriculture and Pennsylvania Game Commission are again encouraging hunters to consider sharing their deer harvest to provide thousands of pounds of venison to people in need.

Hunters Sharing the Harvest (HSH) is Pennsylvania’s venison donation program for hunters who share their extra venison via a statewide network of participating meat processors to food pantries and community assistance centers across the Commonwealth. One deer provides about 200 servings of high-protein, low-fat venison.

HSH has distributed 2.5 million pounds of donated venison since 1991. More information about the program and how to participate is available at

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