Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Kutz Sworn In for Second Term
I was honored to be sworn in this week for my second term as state representative for the 87th Legislative District in Cumberland County. It’s an honor of a lifetime to serve the community where I grew up and where Allie and I are proud to call home.
I take my oath of office with gratitude and steadfastness, determined that Pennsylvania’s best days are ahead. My goal is also to bring transparency, accessibility and accountability to state government and look forward to continuing to engage with you over the next two years.
I’m grateful to have earned your trust and support to serve this session, and I hope you will follow along to see what the next two years has in store. To listen to my remarks on Swearing-In Day, please click here.
My office remains open, and I remain here to serve you.
Kutz Appointed to Key House Committees
I am looking forward to continuing to serve the 87th District with my new committee assignments for this session. I will be serving on the House Appropriations; Finance; Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities; Rules; Insurance; and Intergovernmental Affairs and Operations committees.
I am honored to serve on several key, influential committees in just my second term. My service on these committees will allow me the opportunity to ensure our government prioritizes fiscal responsibility across our Commonwealth. From protecting consumers and their day-to-day spending to being mindful about how we tax businesses, I am eager to play a critical role in supporting policies that will make Pennsylvania a better place to live, work and raise a family.
District 87 Featured at 109th Pennsylvania Farm Show
This week, our district office spent some time at the PA Farm Show. The Farm Show is a great event that honors the wide-ranging impact Pennsylvania has on agriculture in our country.
We had the opportunity to test some Lebanon bologna, try some locally made snacks from our small businesses and check out the small businesses that attended. We had a great turnout from our businesses and farms based right here in District 87!
Be sure to stop by before it’s over to try the apples from Peters Orchard, which straddles the Cumberland/Adams line, and see the butter sculpture sourced from Land O Lakes in South Middleton Township.
You can also visit two of our District 87 farms which brought their award-winning cattle to the show. Swing by and say “hello” to the team at Unique Genetics and BJ Colors, both based in Mechanicsburg.
Honoring an Integral Member of Our Community
On Saturday, I had the pleasure of recognizing Karen Stine, who is retiring after over 20 years of service as executive director of Mechanicsburg area Meals on Wheels. Rep. Sheryl Delozier (R-88) and I presented her with a citation from the House of Representatives commemorating her service.
Mechanicsburg area Meals on Wheels delivers over 50,000 meals annually and grew exponentially under Karen’s leadership.
Our community is grateful for Karen’s service, and we look forward to seeing the organization continue to grow.
Supporting Those Who Serve
We started off Swearing-In Day on a fun note. The students at Elmwood Academy in Mechanicsburg Area School District made a banner to welcome home fellow state Rep. Joe Kerwin (R-125), who recently returned from deployment to East Africa with the PA National Guard.
Thank you for your service, Joe, and welcome home!
Watch Your Government in Action
As your state representative, I am committed to serving you with transparency and accountability. I believe it’s essential for you to see firsthand how your government works and how we’re advocating for our community every day.
That’s why I’m excited to invite you to connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! On our social media pages, you’ll get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the day-to-day operations of our office, including virtual tours, updates on legislative efforts and the ways we’re working to address the issues that matter most to you.
Get Ready for REAL ID
The deadline for enforcement of the federal REAL ID Act is fast approaching.
As of May 7, you will have to present a federally accepted form of identification to board a commercial domestic flight or visit a secure federal building that requires ID at the door.
Federally accepted forms of identification include a Pennsylvania REAL ID driver’s license or ID card, a U.S. passport or passport card, or a military ID.
While all Pennsylvanians must comply with the new law, obtaining a state-issued REAL ID is not mandatory. PennDOT will continue to offer standard-issue driver’s licenses and photo IDs.
Full enforcement of the law has been delayed several times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which was hindering efforts to process REAL ID applications across the country.
To learn more about REAL ID and how to obtain one, visit www.penndot.gov/REALID.
Blood Donation Saves Lives
Did you know that every two seconds in America, someone urgently needs blood? January is National Blood Donor Month, an opportunity to both honor voluntary blood donors and encourage new donors to help save lives. National Blood Donor Month was first designated by proclamation of President Richard Nixon on Dec. 31, 1969.
The start of the new year is one of the most challenging times to collect blood products as the threat of winter weather builds and can often lead to widespread blood drive cancellations. In addition to winter weather, an active cold and flu season may prevent people from keeping donation appointments as they rest and recover from illness.
Only 3% of eligible Americans currently donate blood, despite 65% of the population being eligible to do so. Learn more about blood donation and where to donate here.